
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Odonata first for Romania?

Had a great first day in the Danube Delta, the easy highlight though was a single female Selysiothemis nigra on the Ultima Frontiera property where we are staying. There are just two observations from the Black Sea coast of Ukraine that I could find in a short internet search, otherwise the nearest records are coastal Bulgaria. I think I may have bagged a country first?


  1. Congratulations. Very Cool.
    Not as exciting but I had my first Spotted Owl sighting last week while doing a Bird ID by Song week in the California Sierra Nevada

  2. hi sandy, well done! spotted owl is very high on my most-wanted list in North America. Off to the pyrennees next week, the trip we did last year is experiencing some serious flooding on the French side this year, looks like we picked the right year!

  3. vincent kalkman kindly confirmed that this was indeed a country first. Nice one!

  4. Dear Phil,

    First record of S.n. from Romania is from 2012. This and records from 2013 and 2014 (several locations) are part of a publication that is in work now. The publication will do with all dragonfly fauna of Dobrodja (Romania). Please let me know if you are agree to put this data in the paper. Also maybe you have other data that can be added to the paper?

    Thank you and all my best,

    PS maybe you will receive another similar message, before I was not log in my Google account and ...

    1. hiya cosmin, please feel free to add this sighting into your publication, cheers phil
