Woke up from a 15 hour recuperative snooze yesterday to find that all hell had broken loose near the patch. Just north of here two megas had been seen! Amazingly a well-watched migrating black scoter had pitched in to rest in the bay just 15 minutes north of here. To add to the excitement a surf scoter had been found just north of that! The bad news was it was dark by the time I sussed all this out...
So today I spent from dawn till breakfast time searching out the black scoter - no joy, it was not seen all day. Then back to pick up the kids and off out again for the black scoter. Gave it another hour then headed up for a picnic with the male surf scoter at Påarp. This was much more obliging and showed well in with a feeding flock of common scoter. The general area was good as usual and produced a number of year-ticks including early whimbrel (2), greenshank (1), golden plover (23) and wheatear (1), as well as a big flock of curlew (202). Number 1 & 2, inspired by the sun, stripped off and went swimming!
Last stop of the day was Trönninge angar where a very quick inspection was also fruitful. The star bird was black-necked grebe - always a tricky bird to get on passage here. Other highlights (many of them year-ticks) included; avocet (1), green sandpiper (1), ruff (6), little ringed plover (3) and three resting whimbrel.
Not sure how many year-ticks I got today, as I am still jet-lagged, but it must have been a lot.