
Friday, September 13, 2013

water rail (and another pallid harrier)

A 3K male pallid harrier through Klarningen this morning. Nice moment, shame about the image!

Could not resist a short session at Klarningen this morning, despite being under orders to clean up the house ahead of a visit from some mates from the UK. This irresponsible behaviour paid off handsomely when after an hour-and-a-half a 3k male pallid harrier cruised across the site in a leisurely fashion and landed in the pea-field for a few minutes to eat a packed lunch. My third male of the autumn, still not seen an immature! Anders Wirdheim arrived just at the right moment and when he got up the tower he found me a water rail. BK year-tick and Klarningen tick too I believe. Other notable birds here included a late swift, 16 ruff, a merlin and a single flyover crossbill.

Sixteen red-throated pipits went through Falsterbo today, but sadly none for me in BK. Perhaps a weekend of counting ducks will produce one.

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