Just me and the kids this morning. Hallandsåsen was fog-bound, so we headed north to the sun at the beach at Eskilstorpstrand. Plenty happening here this morning; the highlight being a flighty flock of 250 scaup (a good total for the site), presumably just arrived. The sea was mirror-calm and the number of scoter stretching off north was big, at least 200 velvets off Eskilstorpstrand alone, together with at least 50 commons. Other birds of note included 2 Slavonian grebes and a common crossbill south.
On the way home we dropped in on Klarningen. West of the access track and just south of Eskilstorps pools, I spotted three Bewick's swans flying in to join a 20-strong flock of foraging whooper swans. The Bewick's eventually walked into view for confirmation on the deck. A year-tick and only my second record on the patch! As we watched them a ringtail hen harrier flew past.
Klarningen was surprising, there were wildfowl! At least 130 mallards, three wigeon and best of all three pochard. The latter are scarce on the patch. Also here we had single lapwing and skylark. Driving home we had three brambling at Ehrenstorp and a starling at Atteköp. Great session.
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