I suppose I should be thankful for the swine flu vaccination provided yesterday by a cautious and considerate Swedish government, but I feel rough as dogs today! With no meaningful DIY likely, I sat at Torekov rev for an hour and a half this morning and had a great session. Three shags were fishing in a tight gang just offshore. My first rev Slavonian grebe was bobbing about in the waves. A stiff southerly was blowing and flying into it, occasionally dipping into the water to feed, was a sublime adult winter little gull. Further out a few gannets (7) were fishing and a steady progression of kittiwakes headed south (at least 150 during the session). My main aim was to try and find the flock of purple sandpipers that had included a leg-flagged bird on the 21st, but I could only find two birds, both unmarked. At least 11 redshank kept them company. From the woods behind five parrot crossbills occasionally erupted, calling loudly. A brief foray inland failed to locate them sadly (very few cone-bearing pines on site).
On the way home, dropped in on Ripagården for an hour. Much quieter here, but did manage black guillemot (1) and reed bunting (1) - both scarce in November here.
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