I quickly headed out to work some of the bigger fields in the Halland part of BK, but the wheat was up and growing and apart from the harrowed bit at Klarningen, I could not find any suitable habitat. Whilst I was doing this Martin Ekenberg rang to tell me there was a trip of 16 dotterel just 900 metres outside BK on the other side of the ridge (nice one Henrik!). I stuck it out though and checked all the fields and was rewarded with my first Klarningen avocet, which dropped in from on high, calling as it came.
Arriving finally at the dotterel site, I was staggered to find a 2K female Montagu's harrier quartering the fields in front of me. A Swedish tick and further proof of the power of the pants! The trip of dotterel took a little longer to find but we were soon watching them too. They are always good to see in spring and incredibly they constituted another Swedish tick! I will be able to join Club 300 one day at this rate!

Giving Mrs B the afternoon off I took the kids swimming. On the way home we dropped into Klarningen for 20 minutes. No sign of the avocet (no feeding opportunities I suspect at this stage, but they will breed next year I bet) but we had not been there five minutes when a white stork appeared over towards Båstad and slowly worked its way directly overhead, slowly drifting north. BK tick number 232. Get in!
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