Decided to give the kids a big walk today, so we drove down to Båstad and walked back from the coast up Sinarpsdalen, about 8 km and they were still running about when we got home! Båstad was worth a quick look with a nice summer-plumaged Slavonian grebe, at least ten red-necked grebes and small numbers of common and velvet scoter. A cool NW wind soon drove us inland. Sinarpsdalen was quiet although single singing tree pipit and willow warbler were year-ticks. Other notables included a flyover green sandpiper and a brief hawfinch.
I went back for the car later and checked out Klarningen for an hour. Viewing is difficult here in the afternoon but I decided to stick it out for an hour to see what was moving. This paid off with first a female merlin and then a superb male, as well as a nice male marsh harrier (both year-ticks). Ten lesser black-backed gulls was a good number and out on the newly-sown fields a lemon-yellow flava yellow wagtail was not difficult to spot amongst the feeding white wagtails.
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