
Monday, June 8, 2009

Birding - 08/06/09

Nottingham catchfly Silene nutans - good showing of this species at Öllövstrand today

Mouse-eared hawkweed Pilosella officinarum flowering prolifically along the coast at the moment too

Biting stonecrop Sedum acre

News of a male rosefinch singing at nearby Öllövstrand had me up and about before Mrs B went to work. At 0330 I heard a brief snatch of possible rosefinch song but could not be certain. There were a lot of potential mimics singing too at the time. Marsh warbler and thrush nightingale were in full song but a thrash about revealed nothing unusual.

After lunch took the kids back to Öllövstrand for a walk and confirmed the rosefinch with a brief sighting and a little singing - sadly a dull 2K male bird, but they all count. The real red breeding males are all offshore on the island of Hallands Väderö, sadly out of reach for the casual birder. We sometimes do a day trip on the boat but is is not cheap with the whole team... Spent the walk looking at flowers and the kids were thrilled to find a garfish skull.

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