Packing the kids in the car in the morning, had 12 redwing over the garden (at last!). Next was a slow shuffle around Öllövstrand for just over an hour, picking up treecreeper (1), siskin (50) and chiffchaff (1). On the sea were two black guillemots. Driving to Vejbystrand stopped at Ranarp to look at two excellent rough-legged buzzards (migrating?). A belated report on the internet yesterday told of five brent geese at Vejbystrand, so checked out the beach field there. Found one goose remaining, surprisingly hard to spot in a mixed flock of corvids! Nearby Stora Hultstrand had a single Slavonian grebe, whilst Lervik, Grytkaren and Ranarpstrand were very quiet in very quick sessions.
That was quite enough for me for the day (although the healing process is surprisingly rapid), just had to take the little swines for their flu vaccination in the afternoon.
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